
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Paper Prototype!!

The scene I have chose is for the Bill of Rights. Blobbie's main goal is to collect the Bill of Rights. They of course protect us and he feels if he can get them, his rights maybe protected as well. He is an Alien from another planet. The person protecting the bill of rights is Paul Blart the Mall Cop. Now he is working to save his country and he feels Blobbie is a threat. But in Reality Blobbie is just trying to earn his rights.

Plan game scene

This game is a team game that we plan on having an Alien who the name is Blobbie which is where he has to track down the Bill of Rights. First scene he is trying to get the Magna Carta and then he has to go on to find the Bill of Rights. He is an Alien from another planet and he goes to earth to earn his freedom.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Course overview

Globaloria is a really cool program that teaches you about how to make video games but also you learn how to blog. With my experience, I can say I have learned a lot from Globaloria and it is possible that I may consider a career in it. I have really loved the coding of it because it is like a challenge sometimes.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Get Globy Ready.

      The computer was not a trouble at all. I am so happy to work on this project and with experience before it was not hard operating the computer. The problem was just little problems. They seemed to be big at first but they somehow work themselves out. It was a tough time for me personally due to worrying myself about my father for a while but everything has pulled together and it all worked out. He is well now and everything seems to be really good. This game is also a birthday present to myself and not giving up on making it work. I love the globaloria experience and I wished I had another year to work on it. I am grateful to learn it and have some experience. 3 years and they all have been fun and I enjoyed every single moment of it. This is a great idea for other students and I will say it was worth every moment to stress over it. I would do it all over again.

Finished Game.

Yes, Yes and Yes!!! It is done and finally Im done. I am so happy. It was a dream and now it really happened. Thank You Shack and everyone who helped out.Yes it was really hard at first but we had to overcome the challenge which I did. I am happy it is done and enjoy!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Add Game ingreidients!

So far I have most of the ingredients. I am currently working on the last step and it will be complete. I am currently trying to compose a way to kill the enemy and then you will go to the win the screen. If I have more time I will make it even better with a clip of Lincoln being shot and it will be much better.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Plan a game scene!!

I am going to do the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth needs to be brought back and seen to justice. Everton G. Conger will investigate the path that John Wilkes Booth had to travel. will he bring John Wilkes Booth to justice or will he escape justice and live the rest of his life out??